A Final Word of Advice for SEO Blueprint

To come full circle as I set you off in the blue yonder, I’d like to end this SEO blueprint by reminding you of something very important.

‘There is no certainty that the time, effort and money you invest in generating good-quality content will return a reward in a short timeframe.’

‘Ouch!’ right?

I talked about this at the beginning of the book, but It’s a common theme with search engine optimization, and indeed building a business in general. In fact it’s the primary reason many people quit SEO early.

They may intellectually understand that results will eventually come, but several weeks in, their emotions get the better of them and they get disillusioned by the apparent lack of progress of their bank balance. They start revising their original strategy, or worse, give up the quest for organic rankings altogether to concentrate on the next ‘shiny’ form of online marketing.

What I’m getting at is, you need to have faith.

If the content you’re creating is good, and you have channels to promote that content online, links to your site will follow, and so too will rankings.

I’ll say that again, because it’s important: If the content you’re creating is good, and you have channels to promote that content online, links will follow, and so too will rankings.

Paid advertising is different. You create your advert on AdWords or Facebook or Twitter. You pay your money and traffic lands on your site immediately where, hopefully the traffic makes you more money than you’ve paid out.

However, with this certainty comes more cost and less reward. Why? Because everyone’s doing it. Anyone can throw up an advert and feel the sugar rush of an immediate website conversion. However, there are relatively few people willing to put the consistent work in to generate great content when there are no immediate, tangible results.

Unlike other forms of online marketing, we need to be patient and have faith that if we keep creating valuable content which people within our industry engage with, links and rankings will follow.

And with rankings, comes money.

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